Saturday, 17 June 2017

Akeake @ Kapahaka

We have a great group of Akeake children who go to Kapahaka practice every Monday lunch time.  
They have been working really hard to get ready to perform at the Cultural Festival being held next term.  
Check out this sneak peak of what this dedicated bunch get up to.

The girls having fun during one of the warm up songs:

The boys showing off their dance skills.

Keep up the great work Team Akeake!

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Sunday, 11 June 2017

Upcycling Competition

Thank you so much for supporting our entry in the upcycle competition a few weeks ago. Thanks to the generous number of votes, we got the People's Choice award! The money we won will go towards resources to provide more options during Explore Time.

Check out the pictures of our Fairy/Scary Village. The individual houses will be going home in the next week so you can see the real deal in person!

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Mini Beast Reports

This week we are researching mini beasts.

We could choose which one we wanted to do, honey bees, the New Zealand weta or the Hercules beetle. With our buddies, we are reading articles, watching very interesting video clips and learning lots. When we have written our reports we are going to share back to our home classes.

Did you know that the weta breathes through holes in its exoskeleton and that the name wetapunga means 'god of ugly things?' 

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Minibeast Collages

This week we started our minibeast collages. We were learning all about warm and cool colours. We had to use pieces no larger than our thumb nails. We got to decide if our minibeast was going to be a warm or cool colour. The outside area will be the opposite. It is careful and slow work but it looks awesome!

We can't wait until they are all finished and they are displayed around our learning space!