Wednesday, 27 September 2017

North Canterbury Cultural Festival
On the Wednesday 27th of September the Year 3/4 Kapahaka Group travelled to Ohoka School to perform in the North Canterbury Cultural Festival.  The children were all very excited and they did an amazing job up on the stage.  We were all super proud of their performance. Ka Pai everyone!

Monday, 25 September 2017


Way back in week 1 we got given a problem that we had to solve for Technology: "There is a shortage of food. You have been selected as part of a team to design a system that will grow plants over winter. As your living space is small it needs to be portable and compact."

We watched videos, looked at pictures and researched the best way to create our systems. We have spent a long time preparing our designs and materials to make our hydroponics systems. We chose hydroponics because we could keep them inside (over winter) and they could be kept inside a bottle (small and compact). 

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Writing in Room 7,8,9

We in Room 7,8,9 have been practicing some different skills in our writing by re-reading and re-working our writing.

Beep! Beep! “Agent Animal you are needed immediately for  a mission in the snowy mountains” squeaked a voice from Lila’s bracelet. Lila wasn’t only an ordinary school girl she was also a secret spy agent! Lily raced towards her invisible rocket ship and started the countdown 5 4, 3, 2 ,1… blast off! Lily flew off into the deep blue sky.
“Almost there” screamed Lila in excitement. Suddenly there was a big, big bump!

You may wonder I was out past midnight. I must start at the beginning. My name is Tom. I was walking from soccer practice and I saw something unusual. I was staring at a dark mansion where a empty spot was.
“I should tell Noah,” I thought. I ran to Noah’s house and told him.
“We should go out at night,” Noah said.
“We should go out when!?”, I screamed.
“At night”, he said.
“Alright, i’ll go” I said questioning it. “But not to late!”

Dory, the blue and yellow fish kept asking where the orange fish was at. Dory eventually found him. The orange fish named Urple with her friend Durple. Then it went pitch black! Durple lit up place, before they found themselves inside...
Holly G

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Explore Time in our new building.

It's the end of the first week in our new building and the children are loving our new spaces.
Todays Explore Time was a huge success with Storybird writing on laptops, games, crafts, dancing and some miniball.  
Good fun was had by all and it was a lovely way to end the week.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017


Rooms 10, 11 and 12 were in charge of running the school assembly this week. We had MCs, technicians and lights people helping behind the scenes. It was a busy assembly with lots of certificates to give out and notices to listen to. 

We were especially proud of our music performance that Mrs Osgood has been preparing us for!