Monday, 26 February 2018

Brand New Playground

Over the last few weeks, builders have been working hard to get our new playground ready. The gates were finally opened on Tuesday morning and we had 15 minutes to check it out and have a play. The crowd favourite was the blue climbing frame, followed closely by the flying fox. 

Initially we will have a rotation during break times so that there is only one syndicate on the playground at a time. We are looking forward to playing on it again and checking out all of the cool things!

Friday, 23 February 2018

Explore Time

We were all every excited to get Explore Time under way this week.  
The children were able to opt into a number of different activities 
including - Dinosaur Club, Bunny Art, Games, Construction, Storybird and Baking!

Going wild with our imaginations and making all sorts of creations!

Logged in and ready to start writing stories using Storybird on the laptops.

We can't wait to do it all over again next week!

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Children's Day

We had an awesome time celebrating Children's Day today. We started off making kites with our buddies, some of us made plastic bag kites and some made paper kites. Then we rode the bus to the beach and had an ice block and our morning tea. Afterwards we walked down to the beach, flew our kites and made sand castles. Lots of the sand castles were really creative, some of our buddies even helped us build a volcano! When we got back to the domain, we had yummy sausages waiting for us. Our special treat for the afternoon was a run under the spray from a fire hose.We had a very busy, very fun day, and we are looking forward to relaxing this weekend.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Settling In

It has been a great first couple of weeks back at school in Team Akeake.
The children and teachers have been getting to know each other and we are starting to settle into our new routines.  
The children have been focussing on our KNS Values & Beliefs and have been working hard on Connecting with everybody in our hubs.  What a great bunch of learners we have.  Keep up the great work team!

Sunday, 4 February 2018

First Week Back!

Akeake had an exciting first week back at school. We have about 65 children who are brand new to our syndicate, so the Year 4s took on the responsibility of showing the new children how things are done in our team.

We played games to get to know each other, we learnt about new routines and where we can find things, and most exciting of all: we started doing some art in our home classes! By the end of the term, each class will have spent 3 sessions with each teacher in the syndicate creating beautiful artwork to displays on our walls and to help us get to know each other a little more. 

We also spent some time looking at our new Values and Beliefs. The focus for this week was Connect, and we also learnt about Respect (which we know a lot about from previous years at KNS), Create, Reflect and Be Brave. We are excited to start showing these new Values and Beliefs to our friends, parents, siblings and teachers!