Friday, 25 May 2018

Explore Time

We have been having a great time at our Explore Time sessions this term.  This happens
on a Friday afternoon for our team. We have just finished our first round and now all
the children will get to choose another option for the next three weeks.
This time we had to options of

  • Unicorn art
  • Finger painting
  • Sports
  • Magic
  • Upcycling
  • Books and Bites

Finger Painting Creations

Books and Bites

Unicorn Art

Getting creative


Thursday, 17 May 2018

Aboriginal Dot Art

Our Inquiry focus for this term is looking a community helpers like the police, ambulance workers, doctors, nurses and vets. We are also looking a bit further at different cultures around the world. As part of our immersion in Kōpapa East, we learnt about Aboriginal dot art and how a picture can tell a story. We traced around an animal, did our white dotted outline and then used earthy tones like brown, red, orange and yellow to create patterns in our animal. We think they look great!

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Akeake @ the Art Gallery

This week all our classes visited the Art Gallery in Christchurch.
We travelled into town in cars with our awesome parent helpers and we got to look at all sorts of interesting things - including a bull made out of cans!

We saw some pretty amazing Artworks and had lots of fun squeezing whole classes into the Yellow Room.

We also had a lesson on Print Making where we made designs based on symbols that were important to us and our families. Once we had made our designs and pressed them into a piece of foam, we rolled ink over them and pressed them onto paper.  The results were pretty amazing and we learnt a new and cool way to make artworks.

We had such a great time visiting the Art Gallery and we would like to thank our awesome parents who helped us all to get there!

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Whole School Assembly

Well done to our team from Akeake who ran the whole school assembly last week!
It can be a bit scary getting up on stage in front of so many people - but you all did an amazing job and we are very proud of how brave you all were.  
Ka Pai Koutou!

Our wonderful M.C's
Lighting Crew
Technical Experts
It was great to be able to share some of our learning that we have been doing about the Commonwealth Games.
We worked really hard on our projects and we are really proud of them!

And we enjoyed teaching the whole school how to sing the National Anthem while doing 
Sign Language at the same time!

We are looking forward to the next time that we get to run assembly so that 
we can share more of our learning with everyone!

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Mainpower Sports Coaches

This week we were lucky to have the Mainpower Sports coaches back to help us with netball skills. We learnt how to jump around with both feet, how to pass and catch, and how to move up the court by passing the ball rather than running with it. We had lots of fun doing a bunch of activities to practice these new skills.

Our focus for the rest of the term will be throwing and catching.