Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Term 4 Inquiry - Sustainability

Akeake has been continuing our inquiry into sustainability. We opted into an activity and over 2 afternoons made our projects -

Some of our activities were making bee feeders,

making beeswax food wraps

as well as making paint and chalk. 

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

Today, some of the children in the hub performed in the Kapa Haka group at the Kaiapoi library. Those of us back at school learnt tī rākau - Māori stick games and did some weaving pictures that are on display in the hall foyer.


We also completed some koru art. Ka pai to mahi!


Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Calendar Art

We are all working hard to create a colourful, quality piece of art for the fundraising calendars. Here's a sneak peek! 


Friday, 2 August 2019


We have daily swimming lessons at Kaiapoi Aquatic Centre in weeks 2 and 3. 
We have been learning how to safely enter and exit the pool, swimming techniques and water safely. 
We love swimming!  

Thursday, 25 July 2019

Term 3 Inquiry - Sustainabilty

INQUIRY - Sustainability

Ewwwwwwwww - YUCK!
As part of our inquiry we collected rubbish from around the school. We took it back to class and tipped it all out to see what kinds of things we had found. There was A LOT of stuff that was plastic and single use items like glad wrap and chippie packets.

Our NEXT STEP will be to think about ways that this kind of rubbish effects our environment and to think of ways that WE can reduce this kind of rubbish and waste in our school environment.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Life Education

Over the last two weeks, the children have loved visiting Harold in the Life Education truck. The colourful lights are still a highlight. The children have been learning about the food pyramid. They know that food from the ground they should eat lots of, food from animals they should eat some of and food from ingredients a little of.

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Matariki Celebrations

What a fantastic way to finish our Matariki celebrations.
Jason from the Kaiapoi Public Library came along to our hubs.

We sang songs

and listened to a story.

We watched puppet theatre.

Then we created 

our own Matariki stars.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Strand Maths - Measurement

We have been learning about length.We have been using non-standard units to measure and compare objects.We also created our own rulers to measure in centimeters.We understand that we start at zero and measure from the edge of the object.